5 Tips For Organizing Your Halloween Decor

After you’re all done making memories and taking your Princess or Super Hero Trick or Treating it will soon be time to take down those scary skeletons and creepy spiders.  After all they don’t exactly go with the Thanksgiving theme!

These tips should help you with organizing your Halloween decorations while keeping them separate from your general “Fall” Decor.

  1. Black and Orange Bins:  Using Black and Orange plastic bins will help you find your Halloween Decor more easily when it comes around again next year!  If you can find clear (orange) plastic bins that’s be even better, this way your items are easier to see and the plastic will also help to protect your decor from the elements.
  2. List of Contents:  If you want to get even more organized, take the time to jot down exactly what is in each bin and place the list in the top of the bin.  Another option would be to buy a label maker and place a label on the outside of the bin with a general idea of it’s contents.
  3. Protect Your Decor:  Use old newspaper or tissue paper to wrap your items.  This may add a little bit of time but it will be worth it to find your decorations in 1 piece the following year!  This will help you save money in the long run and you’re reducing what is going to the landfill as well!
  4. Pack It Like A Puzzle:  When packing your decorations into the bin, be sure to fit smaller items into larger ones.  Pack the bin so that nothing is able to slide around.  Be sure that the items are well supported, especially the more fragile items.  Use newspaper/tissue paper as a filler here as well.
  5. Halloween Decoration Declutter:  Don’t forget to donate any old decorations to your local thrift store.  Or you could even try to sell them online for a little bit of extra cash!  Decluttering means less to put away and also more room for NEW decorations next year!

Whatever your plans are for Halloween, the IOS team wishes you a fun and safe experience! Tell us what your favorite part of Halloween is and how you like to organize your decorations.  Drop a comment below!