Special Offers

Special Offers and Special Programs

Ensuring you have everything you need to become organized!


0% Financing

IOD is offering up to 6 months of 0% financing for a full week of organizing with a team of two professional organizers. This is often more than enough time to organize your entire home!

Referral Program

Refer a new client to us and receive $100 cash, credit or gift card. You may refer as many clients as you like and receive the $100 gift for each one!

Please call 757.777.8685 with a potential client’s name and if they book and pay for a six-hour (or more) project, you get $100!

start centered - jumpstart

JumpStart Program

The Special Offer JumpStart Program allows you to book a smaller amount of time to become comfortable with the organizing process. Tackle a difficult, small space such as a kitchen pantry, busy utility area, or a child’s closet or play area by spending several productive hours with one or more Ideal Professional Organizers. Get immediate results beginning with a call or an in person consultation, followed by skillful, efficient onsite organizing. Removal of unwanted items to be donated or recycled and follow-up is included.

Maintenance Plans

Protect your investment, stay on track, AND receive our special offer of up to 15% off with an Ideal Organizing Maintenance Plan. Keep belongings in top organizational shape, be more productive, learn new tips, and live a more stress-free life. Our Organizing Maintenance Packages range from semi-annual to monthly  visits to match your personal needs and help you stay on track!

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Virtual Organizing

Special Programs

Coaching: Coaching sessions focus on your personal paperwork process such as selecting the right system for you, improving efficiency, cost savings, and goal setting all while getting your tasks completed! Technologies that the client is comfortable with will be utilized.

Home Inventories: We are now taking appointment requests to create your official Home Inventory! This increasingly popular and necessary service documents your possessions, identifies potential high-value items, and creates a record of belongings which often becomes an invaluable resource for insurance purposes, during and after a move, and for inheritance intentions, saving countless hours and stress later.

The Gift of Organizing

We offer gift cards so that you can Give the Gift of Organizing. Or, consider adding an Ideal Organizing + Design Gift Card to your Wish List. Cards are available for purchase starting at $25.

Ideal Organing Gift Card

The biggest benefit of working with the IOD team was the personal attention. I hired them out of desperation. I had too much to handle alone and it was very overwhelming. The team was delightful to work with. They know exactly what they’re doing. They are fast, efficient, and considerate. My whole house was organized in 4 days and I would absolutely hire them again.  – B.R.