Do You Buy Things You Already Have?
By: Jennifer A Dwight, IOD Organizing Coach
“The average American burns 55 minutes a day looking for things they know they own but cannot find.” ~Newsweek
Without a doubt, we’ve all done it. You put an important item away and you are sure you will remember where it is. Things like packing tape, scissors, or batteries – items you use frequently, but not every day.
Sometimes enough time passes and you forget where you put it. You don’t always need these items, but when you do, YOU DO!
If you can’t find the lost item, you’ll have to go buy a replacement. Disorganization wins again!
Of course, this is a terrible waste of time and money. As stated above, if you have this problem, you are like many average Americans.
“Junk” drawers can definitely be black holes where belongings go, never to be found again. Incredibly, many people treat much of their entire home storage like a junk drawer.
Items are placed haphazardly in attics, basements, closets, boxes and containers of all kinds.
Sometimes the family vehicle resembles a junk drawer on wheels! It has become a repository for all kinds of belongings, some of which probably won’t be found when needed.
The good news is that there is a solution to this problem and it is becoming more organized. At Ideal Organizing + Design, we are experts at getting your home the way you want it and coaching you on the behaviors needed to keep it that way.
As an Organizing Coach, I’d like to give you a few tips on how to get started.
Ask yourself these questions:
Do you have a system that does work? If so, why?
If you can figure this out, you can build on it.
If you would like to see what it is like working with an Organizing Coach, contact me at
In the very near future, I will be offering online workshops priced with a sliding scale as well as one on one sessions.
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