ideal organizers

Ideal Organizing + Design: Interior Design Rules

Interior Design Rules By: Lubbi Saed, Interior Designer – IOD 3/3 Vertical Rule Dark, Medium, Light – The darkest tone should be your floors, your furniture and accessories will be in medium tone and the lightest should be your ceiling.  […]

The Anatomy of a Highly Productive Workspace

The Anatomy of a Highly Productive Workspace By: Skylar Ross, Outreach Coordinator – Avanti Systems As workers begin to transition back into their corporate workspace from home, the sensory shock can be difficult to navigate. Of course, there are ways […]

Ideal Organizing + Design: From Chaos to Clarity

From Chaos… to Clarity By Jennifer A Dwight Organizing Coach, IOD Cha-os I kā-,äs    1  a: a state of utter confusion    b: a confused mass or          mixture Synonyms: confusion, disarrangement, disarray, dishevelment, disorder, jumble, messiness, muddle, shambles *from Merriam […]

Ideal Organizing + Design: How To Decorate When Renting

How To Decorate When Renting By: Lubbi Saed, Interior Designer Decorating your rental home can be difficult sometimes.  You may not want to invest too much money in a rental home and your landlord may have given you restrictions as […]

environmentally friendly interior design ideas

Environmentally Friendly Interior Design Ideas

Climate change is a major concern in 2020, with many people searching for ways that they can help reduce society’s carbon footprint. While moving away from internal combustion vehicles has been a focus for some years now, homeowners have been […]

Packing tips to make your move easier!

Do you need some great ideas on how to keep your belongings in order and safe when packing for a move? Use Styrofoam plates in between your glass plates and cooking pans to cushion them while moving. Wrap your silverware […]

stack of plates

Ideal Organizing + Design: Summer Activity Container!

SUMMER ORGANIZING TIPS: Create A Summer Activity Container! Do you and your family spend most of your Summer at the pool or beach? We have an IDEAL Organizing Solution for keeping track of all of your outdoor summer supplies! Use […]